Our Products



Rotor and Worm Grinding Machines GR Series

ID:GR500H / GRX500H / GW3600H
Rotor and Worm Grinding Machines - GR500H / GRX500H / GW3600H
  • Our rotor and worm grinding machines are amongst the finest machine tools for rotor manufacture in the world. Aside from our flexible range of gear grinding machinery, we have also developed a specialised and original line of rotor grinding machines during the course of the last 20 years. Our experience in fact stems from our own manufacturing needs in terms of prototyping and in-house job shopping. Know how matured in such a way flows directly into the end product and it is what distinguishes our solutions from the rest. And that is not all; we can also really lend customers a helping hand when it comes to bottlenecks in production or rotor optimisation requirements.

    Whether you utilise ceramic grinding tools or electroplated CBN grinding wheels, with the GR series you can produce a great variety of prototype profiles or mass produce just a few different rotor types. Choose the machine that best suits your size of rotor, your drive output and your tool technology needs from our extensive range.  We would be delighted to help you find the best solution for your specific application.